Today it's the end of my 1 week 'compulsory leaves' since the office is closed for
1 week for the CNY celebration and heck I'm still stuck with these fellas...

I bought 2 cartoons for the celebration, finished 1 with gf uncles last monday
at kampung and brought back 1 for other ocassion. I had good time knowing
my 'bakal-bakal' ipar over 4 cartoons of beers that day. It never fails to
amaze me how aramai tie can bring strangers so close together. I think that's
show just how good we are sabahan at 'ice breaking'...

Well, I actually wanted to simpan for my coming birthday but heck...just
couldn't resist my urge while lepaking at home and yess..I'm drinking alone
and at the moment I'm down to 12 more cans to go. Just buy again la next
time when to celebrate and right now just enjoy it...

Why am I drinking alone?,..Well, It's one of my new things nowadays...
Layan diri sendiri... It helps me to 'think' over things. Recognise the
fake handphone? I purposely put it there to 'think'. It's the latest Nokia
5800 Xpress Music handphone and I'm considering replacing my old SE
handphone with it. It's so cool, a smartphone with touch screen almost similar
to the Apple 3G iphone. Fell in love with it when I saw my friend using it the
other day and until now I'm still bugged of owning one. To buy or not
to buy? To buy or not to buy? To buy or not to buy?...

Heck, hard decision huh?... Maybe once I'm finished with the last can,
I'll make my decision or maybe I just go...

and ponder about it again until my birthday comes... my birthday present
anyone please?...Hehehe

Walawei...haha..bakal ipar?haha.kasi kompom tarikh..tuk sia apply cuti..hehe..
tukar hp..bgs beli blue berry..haha..
hahaha..dia saja diam2 tu..nti suddenly ja event of the year tu..lol..bah, gud lucks bro!!!
wakaka..Itu tatap, tapi most likely event of next-next year...muahaha..
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