Took the original picture above during bright daytime somewhere in kampung
area and thought it's a good material for an 'evil' project that I've in mind.

So,I played around with it in Photoshop to get the effects that I wanted.
A dark, scary path macam waktu petang di kampung time kecik-kecik dulu.

Anyway, maybe I just overdone it with this image (1st try)..what you think?

nda pun kin takut hahaha
JerryInc : Hahaha, yaka? Maybe cos ko suda nampak tu light at end of the tunnel?.. Anyway, it's just for fun experiment..Hehehe
those days before photoshop, bukan main susah ni mau dapat tu effect, only experience photographer can produce, now, with the help of all the tools in photoshop, sekejap jak bah....hehehe
happy exploring bro. :D
hehe..thanks bro... budak baru belajar ba ni...hehehe
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