Just some pictures of last year's 2nd gathering with friends at Alveen's house...These are among great memories of 2008. Yearghh..We had a really good time that night. Drinking, eating and chatting macam lama indak jumpa kawan... Hahaha. Expecting more friends from Ranau to join in the fun this time but at last minute inda jadi datang pula whereas some got clashed plans on the same day so they couldn't come. My brother,
Wel was back in Sabah on that day and after meeting up with his friends earlier,he later joined us late that night...Mabuk suda time sampai and soon he also kalapik.... Hahaha. Well,..actually, I was also drunk that night...hehehe..sampai ilang ingatan after picking up my brother at Putra Jaya Giant Superstore. The last thing I remembered was that my friend, Stanly (juara bertahan tu malam) woke me up around 4:00am to go back to KK. Since I was still feeling dizzy, he drove my car until we reached home and then my other friend, Ray (he went back earlier) sent him home at Bundusan. The next morning, while I was still feeling kegutan, I met up with Alveen to fetch my brother (I left him sleeping at Alveen's house that night) in Menggatal and got to know a fellow blogger,
Mr. Gee who happened to be Alveen's childhood friend and also a keen photographer. I remembered that he was with us also that night but he came late and I was like almost 'there' already when we chatted about camera...Hahaha.
Enjoy the pictures below... :)

The aramai tie geng at the beginning...

The special for the night... met uncle Jack Daniel & mr. Black Label

Pusas for the night... the usual ayam panggang & hot dog....

The jokers in action... Ni time mau kick-kick suda ni

Yeahhh... Jobil, peace to you also my friend...

Alveen kissing uncle JD...mau kick suda mangkali ni...

The fallen ones...dewa-dewa yang kecundang...Hahaha
Wahahaha..semart jg la tu koleksi wajah2 paling atas..hehe..one of the great moment in 2008..hehe..
tukar pop-up comment box..
Smart kan?... semua tu muka2 steady lagi.. ko ja yang muka kick suda tau jiwang tu ,...wakaka
Yeah,..great memories cos that's the last time sia kegutan teruk in 2008 tu time...hahaha
wah, semua nakalapik ah, tapi nakalapik secara terhormat nih. hehe
ya orr cicak... sia pn inda ingat mcmana sia pi tidur syiok2 sana tu sofa.. wakaka
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