Boleh Bah!... That's my first expression when my two friends, Ray and Edmund contacted me when they wanted to arrange for friends gathering at another friend's (Alveen) house in Putra Jaya, Telipok during the recent weekend(7/12/08). Actually just last month, we also had a small gathering there when Alveen and his wife just finished moving into the house and that day we finished off 1 and 1/2 bottles of his chivas for the house warming... :) Anyway, for this 2nd gathering I 'm supposed to prepare the special Tambunan tajau (my auntie's home made special) for the ocassion...You see they all already kena 'poisoned' during our previous visits to my auntie's house back in Tambunan...As one of my chinese friend used to say 'kick leher' ba minum... Hahaha...Tajau jugala menjadi pilihan...Sekali mensiop mau lagi...2 kali mensiop terus kondem...inda jerah-jerah dorang ni...Hahaha.
Back to my two friends, so who are they? My two 'cikgu' friends who have just finished their KPLI program at Maktab Perguruan Tawau and this gathering is something like a celebration for finishing the program and finally becoming 'cikgu'...something like 'Prison Break' jugala ni because the place really-really secluded (tengah-tengah oil palm estate ba) and damn boring according to them. Anyway, congratulation to them for escaping from 'Alcatraz' and back to civilization...Hahaha. They are enjoying their holiday now until early January next year when the school break is over and maybe go separate way to their respective posting place...Hopefully, they all kena posting dekat-dekat Sabah juga as personally I think being away too long from your 'beloved' ones is really frustrating and tempting at the same time...Huhuhu.
Other close friends who also joined in the gathering were Agang (nickname ni) and Kiong (ngam ka ni ejaan ni?) who drove down from Ranau to KK on that day and the last person to came quite late that night was Stanly with his bakuteh sup especially tapau from Foh Sang. Not forgetting, our 'new' friend (sorry I cannot recall his name) whom I got to know that day, Alveen's colleague which also happened to be Edmund's long lost friend during university days last time. What a small world!...Kecik ja ni Sabah rupanya.
The ladies present were Alveen's wife ,Agang's fiance and Ray's girlfriend. Me?...I prefer lone ranger for this kind of occasion...Hahaha. Alcohol consumed were tapai Tambunan ( unfortunately, only mensiop for awhile as somehow it became ahanau sudah after several rounds, salah atur la punya pasal ni mangkali..:( ) 1 botol of Chivas and 1 botol of Swing (compliments from our 'new' friend). Aramai tie session started as early as 3.00pm and lasted until about 10.00pm because no more drinks...macam air ja ba tu kalau haus...Well, have to stop anyway as some of us still have to drive back to KK. The rest slept at the house before going back to Ranau the next morning. Below just a few candid snap shots (taken by my friends) of us having fun that day.

& a good sleep for the loser ....0-0

that day it's Agang's turn...Hahaha
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